Odyofil Sistemleri kategorisine ait (24 kayıt bulundu)
Odyofil Sistemleri Ekle
ID No: #1078
03.08.2019 10:18
WVL 33221 BERLIN: A horn with incredible dynamics – without the typical horn sound.
The Wolf von Langa Berlin works with two curved cylinder cam progression waveguides, invented by Friedrich Roesch from Berlin (former company named Klangfilm). Those waveguides made of aramid fibre reinforced polyester resin without material sound are powered by the highest standard Wolf von Langa compression drivers. The bass midrange is seamlessly supplemented by three top-of-the-line WVL field coil speakers. This technology has tremendous benefits against all permanent magnet units. Less distortion, faster settling time, better transient response. Attention: If you for the 1st time listen to our Field Coil Speakers be prepared not to forget your musical experience.
With the now available series of AUDIO FRAME X loudspeaker systems the company WVL reached a technical high point that lives up to the best possible recording quality as well as requirements of all sized lounges.
Press quote (Fidelity magazine, Germany) from High End 2019, Munich: "The Berlin doesn’t only present sound, but music. Music was just there, not bound to the speakers, holographic and with incredible ease."